For Immediate Release
January 20, 2015
Contact: Dong Yoon Kim,
NAKASEC Statement on In-state Tuition for DACA students
Richmond, VA- Today, the Senate Bill 722 (SB722) was defeated in the Virginia Assembly by a vote of 19 – 20 with one Senator abstaining from voting. This bill would have restricted access to higher education for immigrant students by requiring out-of-state tuition, particularly for students who have received Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program announced by the Obama administration in 2012, which provides relief from deportation for young immigrants without status and also a work permit. Last year, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, announced in-state tuition for DACA recipients who have received their work permit for one year, considering that their work permit fulfills the Virginia residency requirement for in-state tuition for public colleges and universities in Virginia.
SB722 would have taken away in-state tuition for DACA recipient students. In-state tuition has helped immigrant students and families achieve their dreams and goals by having students earn a college education.
NAKASEC is proud to have joined and worked with Virginia Coalition For Latino Organizations (VACOLAO), Dreamers of Virginia, Dreamers’ Moms, impacted community members, and allies to protect in-state tuition for DACA recipients, and keep the dreams alive for immigrant families and students across the Commonwealth. Today, the Virginia Senate Assembly stood with the immigrant community and their dreams. NAKASEC will continue to advocate and raise the voice and concerns of the immigrant community until all students and families have equal access and opportunity to fulfill their dreams.
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