주요 콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

Everyone, including undocumented

immigrants living in the U.S.,

has certain basic rights

under the Constitution.

It takes ten times the resources for I.C.E. to detain someone who knows their rights than someone who does not.

If you find you have to deal with I.C.E. or other law enforcement officers at home, on the street, or anywhere else,

it’s important you know and practice your basic rights.



Are you worried about your immigration situation?
Is I.C.E. at you door?
Has a loved one been detained?

Call for live confidential assistance in English and Korean!

Download our Know Your Rights App!

Access information about your rights and legal resources. In the KYR app menu, select Languages and then scroll down to select one of over 16 languages available. 
In the case of an emergency, announce your rights in English and send a text to a preselected list of contacts.
Install KYR for AppleInstall KYR for Android



National Immigration Legal Services Directory


NAKASEC Affiliates
Virginia: Hamkae Center  www.hamkaecenter.org
Chicago, IL: HANA Center  www.hanacenter.org
New Jersey: MinKwon Center (NJ)   www.minkwon.org
Flushing, New York: MinKwon Center (NY)  www.minkwon.org
Greater Philadelphia, PA: Woori Center  www.wooricenterpa.org
Houston, TX: Woori Juntos  www.woorijuntos.org

More Resources

Click on images to open the Know Your Rights resources.

National Organizations

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
National Immigration Law Center (NILC)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Asian Law Caucus (ALC)