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Korean American Worker Wins Important Decision for Workers’ Rights

By March 29, 2006No Comments

The Korean Workers Project, a joint project of YKASEC-Empowering the Korean American Community and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), won an important decision for immigrant workers who are forced to work long hours without overtime pay. In a decision released on December 6, a federal court ruled in favor of Korean immigrant worker, Doo Nam Yang, and ordered Yang’s former employer – jewelry company ACBL Corp. of Manhattan – to pay the full claim of $70,000 in back wages in overtime, as well as additional damages.

Mr. Yang worked as a jewelry craftsman over the span of seven years at ACBL.His employer required him to work more than 40 hours a week and typically seven days a week for over 90 hours a week during the holidays.However, Mr. Yang was only paid a fixed amount each week – usually in cash – no matter how many hours he worked. The decision is not only a victory for Mr. Yang, but also a victory for exploited immigrants everywhere.