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December 15, 2017

CONTACT: Sam Yu | | 213-703-0992


One Week Before Anticipated Vote, Impacted Youth and Allies Continue Actions for Clean DREAM Act


Washington, D.C. – Ahead of the December 22nd vote and the final week of the Congressional calendar before the holidays, impacted Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) youth and allies from NAKASEC, HANA Center, and the Korean Resource Center continue to urge that Congress pass the DREAM Act this year.

“A majority of Americans support Dreamers. Right now 122 youth lose their protection every day. We are running out of time. Let’s have the best Christmas for young people,” said DJ Yoon, Co-Director of NAKASEC.

Hee Kim, a community organizer from KRC in Los Angeles, shared that she is eager to join the Educator-Student National Day of Action on December 19 (led by NAKASEC), and the many other actions that NAKASEC will participate in. Ms. Kim stated, “I am a mother of a DACA recipient. Since the ending of DACA, many youts have been facing fears on daily basis. My daughter is in the same situation with those youths, and my heart is racing right now. I am worried for my daughter’s future.” Ms. Kim, along with NAKASEC, HANA Center, and KRC, has been in DC since the beginning of December to participate in rallies and meet with members of Congress to fight for the passage of the clean DREAM Act.

(Impacted community members and allies urging calls into Congress for a clean DREAM Act)

Today, we also conducted legislative visits to Representative Scott Taylor (VA) and Senator Mark Warner (VA) urging them to commit to passing a clean DREAM Act before the end of the year. Furthermore, the organizers asked for both members of Congress to visit the DREAM Tent on the National Mall to listen to the stories of undocumented youth.

(Our community organizers visiting Representative Scott Taylor’s Office)

NAKASEC and affiliates will continue organizing and advocacy in Washington D.C. and in local communities until a clean DREAM Act is passed. On December 19, 2017 we will be hosting a Student-Teacher Day of Action in Washington, D.C. It is crucial that our call to action will go out to public to all of community members. We invite you to join us in Washington, D.C. on December 19th. We urge you to call your Congressman to ask for passing a clean Dream Act. For sample phone scripts, visit
