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September 2016 Media Hits

By September 30, 2016November 23rd, 2016No Comments

Check out NAKASEC, KRC, and KRCC in local and national news!

14518474_1088002981267823_1821907058_n9/2, The Washington Post: They grew up as American citizens, then learned that they weren’t
9/5, Korea Times (VA): ‘입양인 시민권 취득’ 법안통과 촉구 캠페인
9/6, WKTV (VA): 워싱턴 뉴스 투데이 090616
9/6, Korea Times (LA): ‘입양인 시민권 취득’ 법안통과 촉구 캠페인
9/7, The Migrationist: 미국으로 입양된 후 시민권 못받은 한국인 수두룩 “나는 나라가 없는 사람”
9/7, The Migrationist: 미국으로 입양된 한국찰신 1만 8000명, 시민권 없어 추방 대상
9/7, Radio 1230 (LA): 입양인시민권 법안통과 촉구 캠페인 시작되
9/7, Korea Daily (LA): 입양인 시민권 취득 캠페인 시작
9/7, Korea Daily (VA): “입양해놓고 시민권은 나몰라라?”
, Korea Times (VA): 입양인 시민권 법안 통과 촉구
9/7, Korea Times (VA): 
미주한인봉사교육단체협 단합대회
9/7, World In Canada: 미국 입양 후 시민권 못받은 한국인 수두룩 “나는 나라가 없는 사람”
9/8, Chosun Ilbo (VA): ‘엽서’로 입양인 시민권 부여 촉구
9/8, Korea Times (LA): ‘입양인 시민권 법안’ 통과 촉구 나서
9/8, Observer Culture: 
South Korea Needs Political Art…and the 11th Annual Gwangju Biennale Delivers It
9/9, Korea Daily (LA): 두레연장자 아파트 오픈, 총 67 유닛
9/10, Korea Times (LA): 한인타운에 민족학교 ‘두레아파트’ 준공
9/11, The Columbian: Growing up American, only to learn you’re not
9/12, WBEZ Worldview
9/15, Korea Times (Chicago): “한인 선관위원 노고에 감사”
9/15, Korea Daily (Chicago): “한인 선관위원 노고에 감사”
9/16, Arizona Republic (features Adoptee Rights Campaign member): My Turn: U.S. citizenship for adopted children should be a right
9/16, Korea Times (Chicago): 이중언어선관요원 지원 당부
9/16, Seoul Korean English Radio: click here for audio
9/20, Falls Church News-Press: Annandale Organization Joins Adoptee Rights Campaign
9/22, Chosun Ilbo (VA): “투표로 한인의 권익 찾아야”
/22, Christianity Daily: 
Korean American Advocacy Groups Spread Awareness of Voting and Citizenship in Immigrant Communities Ahead of Elections
9/26, Korea Daily (LA): ‘대선 결과’ 참여해야 바뀐다
9/26, The Huffington Post: “National Voter Registration Day is September 27: Register to Vote for 2016 Election
TAP into Elizabeth: First Ever Text-To-Register Voting Chat Bot Debuts in Time for National Voter Registration Day
9/27, New University – University of California, Irvine Official Campus Newspaper: UCI Attempts New Dodgeball Record
Bread for the World: Immigrant Christian Leaders Come Together for Immigration Reform
9/28, The Dallas Morning News: Immigrant Christian leaders Come Together for Immigration Reform
9/28, Yahoo! Sports: Immigrant Christian Leaders Come Together for Immigration Reform
9/28, Business Wire: Immigrant Christian Leaders Come Together for Immigration Reform
9/28, Korea Times (LA): “투표 참여 통해 커뮤니티 목소리 키워야”
9/29, Korea Times (VA): 
NAKASEC 유권자 등록 캠페인
9/30, Catholic Standard: Catholics, other Christian leaders ask politicians to address immigration