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For Immediate Release:
January 25, 2017
Contact: SaeHee Chun, 703-256-2208

We Will Keep All Families Together, Safe and Strong

The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), the Korean Resource Center (KRC) and the Korean American Resource & Cultural Center (KRCC) reject the Trump administration’s decision to begin construction of a U.S. – Mexico border wall, ramp up immigration enforcement measures, and attack sanctuary cities.

These destructive and mean spirited executive orders will do nothing to make our country safe, create good jobs, or foster an inclusive America. Rather they will waste limited taxpayer resources to militarize our borders, tear families apart, and breed a climate of fear and hate.

Our message is clear. Immigrants and refugees make America vibrant, strong, and prosperous. Our response to the Trump administration is that we will oppose these ineffective and dangerous actions that will strip away our rights and criminalize communities.  We will reach out, educate, and organize our community members towards humane solutions for our broken immigration system.  As Korean and Asian Americans, as immigrants, and as women, we will work in strong partnership with our brothers and sisters from the indigenous, Muslim, Black and other targeted communities to protect and our human rights and keep all families together, safe and strong.

To defend, protect and empower our community, NAKASEC and affiliates will immediately:

  • Launch a 24 Hour Immigrant Rapid Response Hotline to answer questions and assist community members in crisis.
  • Connect community members to needed legal and mental health resources.
  • Hold “Know Your Rights” trainings in Los Angeles, Orange County, Chicago and Northern Virginia for community members to come learn about legal protections, share stories, and plan next steps together.
  • Work with other communities to organize and advocate for the safety and well-being of all immigrants, refugees and vulnerable communities at the local, state and federal levels.

For questions or more information please contact us: 

24 Hour Hotline Number: 1-844-500-3222 (DACA)
NAKASEC (Virginia): 703.256.2208
KRC (Los Angeles & Orange County): 323.937.3718
KRCC (Chicago): 773.588.9158

In solidarity,