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Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Sam Yu | | 213-703-0992

Dawn Le | | 202-549-6798

Value Our Families Coalition Calls Out Trump’s ‘Backdoor’ Attempt to Shut Out Immigrants and Block Family Reunification

Public Comments Needed from Communities to Stop Trump’s Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Family Attack


The Trump administration officially posted its proposed changes to the public charge rule to the Federal Register today. The proposed rule has already scared immigrants away from accessing public benefits and reduced the eligibility of many people to obtain lawful permanent residency, in the form of green cards. The rule would discriminate against children, elders, people with disabilities or chronic illnesses, caregivers, and many low-wage workers, and allow the Trump administration to deny them green cards. Already, threats of the rule change have deterred immigrant communities from using vital services out of fear of being separated from their families and loved ones in the United States.

Today’s posting marks the beginning of the 60-day public comment period. The Value Our Families coalition is urging impacted families, lawmakers, and organizations to oppose this rule change and stop it from being enacted.

Below are statements from leaders in the Value Our Families Coalition:

Becky Belcore, National Korean American Service & Education Consortium Co-Director: 

“This is more of President Trump exploiting his executive power to advance his anti-family, anti-immigrant agenda, with his backdoor scam to threaten people’s residency status and block family reunification. He wants to instill fear, panic, and penalize immigrant parents from providing for their families, and keep immigrants and people of color out of this country.”

Rev. John L. McCullough, Church World Service President and CEO:

“Hard-working immigrant families shouldn’t have to choose between family reunification and having enough to eat. Investing in nutrition, health care, and other essential needs keeps children learning, parents working, and families strong, and allows all of us to contribute fully to our communities. This an attack against families and children. This type of policy goes against the tenets of our faith traditions — to welcome and love our neighbors, and especially to care for our children.”

Reshma Shamasunder, Asian Americans Advancing Justice in Los Angeles Vice President:

“The public charge rule change is just another way that would force families to make the impossible choice between staying with their loved ones or seeking the programs and services they need. We call for our policymakers, the public, our community members, to everyone who believes that this is a country where we embrace families and immigrants and strive to keep families together, now is the time to speak out and oppose the public charge rule change.”

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Value Our Families is the national coalition that aims to reunite and keep families together, 

defend family immigration, and protect family unity.