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For Immediate Release
November 20, 2015

California: Jinkyung Park, KRC,
Illinois: Nayoung Ha, KRCC,
Virginia/National: Emily Kessel, NAKASEC,

Unified Under the Narrative of Keeping Immigrant Families Together

#FamiliesFightBack on One-Year Anniversary of DACA+/DAPA Announcement and Urge Supreme Court to Immediately Take Up DACA+/DAPA Case

WASHINGTON DC — Today, the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and its affiliates, the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC) and the Korean Resource Center (KRC), participate in marches to the White House, protests in front of ICE offices, press conferences with immigrant community members, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) clinics in California, Illinois, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. as part of a national day of action to recognize the one-year anniversary of President Obama’s announcement of the expanded DACA, or DACA+, and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) initiatives and the need for a clear and immediate path forward to implementation.

Dae Joong Yoon, Executive Director of NAKASEC, said: “In November 2014, we celebrated the immense win for our community when President Obama kept his promise to go big and bold. Now in November 2015, five million community members are still waiting for relief through the DACA+ and DAPA programs. We urge the U.S. Supreme Court to set aside anti-immigrant politics and put families first by taking up and making the right decision about the case temporarily blocking the implementation of DACA+ and DAPA. All immigrant communities and concerned Americans are fully committed to fighting for the restoration of these programs and the protection of human rights for migrants and refugees. Now more than ever, we are in the middle of a critical period to lift up the American value of keeping families together and to build the progressive power of our communities.”

Inhe Choi, Executive Director of KRCC, said: “Our country is more than extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric and attacks on critical programs like DACA. These 2016 presidential candidates and elected officials are brazenly speaking out against immigrants and refugees, when they themselves come from immigrant and refugee families. We expect our leaders to uphold the values of this country by promoting programs that support families and welcome those who seek safety. We commend the Chicago City Council for standing up against the shameful statement made by Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and for voting to keep Chicago a welcoming city for refugees. On the weekend of November 20, KRCC will be joining a rally against deportation in front of the ICE field office and marching in Chicago with our partners as part of the national movement to call for the implementation of DAPA and DACA+.”

Jenny Seon, Interim Executive Director of KRC, said: “In the three years following the implementation of the current DACA program, KRC, along with NAKASEC and KRCC, has provided information about initial DACA and DACA renewals to over 1,300 community members and processed nearly 2,000 DACA applications predominantly in the Korean American community. We remain committed to serving and fighting for the dignity of our immigrant communities and communities of color. We must continue to take action as a movement now. We encourage community members of all immigration statuses from undocumented to U.S. citizens to come together and join in the fight for a permanent solution–a fair, humane, and comprehensive immigration reform–for our community at large.”

Congressman Mike Honda also shared his support for the DAPA and expanded DACA programs through a Congressional Letter.

For more information about the actions and events in California, Illinois, Virginia, and Washington D.C., please visit the NAKASEC, KRCC, and KRC websites.

California: Press conference on November 20th at the Los Angeles City Hall.

Illinois: Press conference on November 18th, a protest at the ICE field office on November 20th, and a march from a Chicago neighborhood on November 21st.

Virginia/Washington D.C.: The march from the Arlington Courthouse Plaza to the White House on November 20th. DACA Clinic at NAKASEC’s office in Annandale, Virginia.


For NAKASEC photos and video, please follow us on Facebook (link) and Twitter (@nakasec)

The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) was founded in 1994 by local community centers to project a progressive voice and promote the full participation of Korean Americans on major social justice issues. NAKASEC maintains offices in Annandale, Virginia and Los Angeles, California. NAKASEC has affiliates in Chicago (Korean American Resource & Cultural Center) and Los Angeles and Orange County (Korean Resource Center).

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