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Immediate Release:
November 27, 2013
Emily Kessel, NAKASEC,, 651-399-9016

Fast for Families Announces the National Days to Act, Fast & Pray

Core Fasters SEIU’s Eliseo Medina, NAKASEC’s Dae Joong Yoon, DREAMer and Mi Familia Vota’s Cristian Avila ask America to join Fast for Families on December 1-3

Washington DC –On Tuesday, November 26, at 11 a.m., Fast for Families held a press conference at the Fast for Families tent on the National Mall. Today, the core fasters, SEIU (Service Employees International Union)’s Eliseo Medina; NAKASEC (National Korean American Service and Education Consortium)’s executive director Dae Joong Yoon; and Mi Familia Vota’s Cristian Avila; along with other prominent leaders announced a call of action for the National Days to Act, Fast & Pray from December 1 to 3, 2013.

To add weight to the fasters’ deep commitment to the Fast for Families, Eliseo Medina emphasized: “This will be the first time we will be away from our families during this holiday and instead will celebrate Thanksgiving on the [National] Mall, drinking only water instead of eating turkey and watching a football game. We do so because we feel compelled to help mend a broken and inhumane immigration system that is bringing so much pain and suffering to our communities and tour nation.”

Dae Joong Yoon followed Medina by saying: “Immigration reform is not about politics or policy, it is about people. The human cost of our broken system has created a moral urgency that demands action. That is why we are fasting.”

He called upon the Korean American and Asian American community to take part in the National Days to Act, Fast & Pray by organizing a solidarity fast, calling Speaker Boehner to support a pathway to citizenship, or other activities that convey the Asian American community’s commitment to keeping families together and fair immigration reform.

“Together, we can build an America that upholds family values and respects hardworking immigrant families.”
Cristian Avila added: “As we humbly ask the American people to join us to fast and pray on December 1st through the 3rd, we also urge Speaker Boehner to schedule a vote on citizenship before the end of the year.”
Fasters were also joined by speakers Reverend Tony Saurez on behalf of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference’s (NHCLC) Reverend Samuel Rodriguez; Reverend Alvin Herring from PICO National Network; Jim Wallis, President and Founder of Sojourner; Terry O’Sullivan, President of LiUNA; and Tom Perriello, President and CEO of Center for American Progress (CAP). SEIU’s Executive Vice President Rocio Saenz moderated the event.
Community members from the International Calvary Church in Springfield, Virginia also attended the press conference and led Dae Joong Yoon in a prayer for immigration reform.

For community leaders or members interested in taking part in the National Days to Act, Fast & Pray, please contact: Emily Kessel, NAKASEC,; Esther Kim, KRC in Los Angeles,; and Heykyung Eum, KRCC in Chicago, .


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The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) was founded in 1994 by local community centers to project a progressive voice and promote the full participation of Korean Americans on major social justice issues. NAKASEC maintains offices in Annandale, Virginia and Los Angeles, California. NAKASEC has affiliates in Chicago (Korean American Resource & Cultural Center) and Los Angeles (Korean Resource Center).

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