

As our respective organizations continue to fight for immigrant and racial justice and dismantle the systems that oppress us, we believe that transformational solidarity between our communities–in the face of countless attempts to divide us–is key to our collective liberation. This collective project is organized by two of the leading Black and Asian immigrant rights organizations in the nation: the UndocuBlack Network and the NAKASEC Network.

to Solidarity

Create Spaces for
Relationship Building:

Where we can build and deepen authentic relationships and exchanges.

Foster Dialogue:

That helps us understand the differences and similarities between our communities within local, national, and international historical and present contexts.

Cultivate Solidarity:

That fosters deep love, trust, and true allyship between our communities, and together build towards a future where we are all thriving.

Building Transformational Solidarity:

Our Journey and Ongoing Commitment

In 2018, we hosted Woori Ujima, an in-person convening. In 2022, we hosted a virtual panel recognizing the anniversary of the L.A. Uprisings, and later in the year, held another in-person convening. Members consistently requested ongoing and increased work together. As a result, in 2023, both organizations hosted fellows from UCLA’s Dream Summer Fellowship program and began to institutionalize and solidify this ongoing work.