
For Justice

Adoptees For Justice is an intercountry adoptee-led project of NAKASEC that formed in 2018. Many of its members have been working for justice in adoptee, immigrant, racial, and social justice spaces for years.

Adoptees For Justice’s first project is to educate, organize and advocate for an Adoptee Citizenship Act that is inclusive of all adoptees, including those with criminal backgrounds and who have been deported. Adoptees For Justice firmly believes that ALL intercountry adoptees should have U.S. citizenship, and that no adoptee should be left behind. We view this commitment as part of the larger immigrant justice and human rights movements.

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Adoptees For Justice is a founding member of the Alliance For Adoptee Citizenship, a coalition of local, state, and national organizations in support of an inclusive Adoptee Citizenship Act.

In 2024, we launched California Is Home, a campaign seeking a gubernatorial pardon for two intercountry adoptees, Emily and Judy. Both women were adopted by American soldiers and brought to the United States at young ages. Now in their senior years, they struggle to meet their basic needs, access social security, and find stable housing and healthcare. A gubernatorial pardon would be a major step toward both women

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