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The National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)

Our Story

NAKASEC’s history is rooted in the democracy movement of South Korea.

The Korean War in the 1950s ravaged the peninsula and its people. In 1953, an armistice agreement was signed between the now-North and South Koreas and their political allies, enacting a ceasefire and formally dividing the peninsula.

Following the armistice agreement, two dictators assumed control of what became South Korea. As a result, the South Korean people – especially workers and students – began to organize. In May 1980, the South Korean people rose up in the southern region of Gwangju to resist decades of oppressive military dictatorship rule. One of the student organizers of the Gwangju People’s Uprising, Han Bong Yoon (“Mr. Yoon”), had no choice but to flee South Korea or be persecuted for his activism.







Our Values

Live Right

(바르게 살자)

Know Your Roots

(뿌리를 알자)

Live Strong

(굳세게 살자)

Live Together

(더불어 살자)