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Press statement
July 31, 2023

NAKASEC Network Condemns Operation Lone Star and Call Upon Biden, DOJ to Act

Houston, TX – Recently, a Houston Chronicle article was published highlighting the ongoing and rampant cruelty exercised by enforcement staff at the U.S.-Mexico border at the behest of Governor Greg Abbott. Such abhorrent behavior includes denying water to people in extreme heat, littering the Rio Grande with sharp razor wire, and pushing vulnerable children and families into the river as they attempt to seek shelter at our border, increasing their risk of drowning. The National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), a national network of five affiliates in six states including Texas, serves Korean and Asian Americans and immigrants and released the following statement in response.

“Governor Abbott continues his reign of terror upon migrants and asylum seekers fleeing death and danger,” NAKASEC Organizing Director, Esther Jeon, noted. “NAKASEC condemns Operation Lone Star (OLS) as violent, inhumane, and despicable. Governor Abbott remains cruel as ever, and President Biden has chosen to pursue a similar path of cruelty. Not only is President Biden pursuing a federal asylum ban, he is refusing to use his federal executive powers to order the immediate removal of all obstructions in the Rio Grande and provide better legal pathways for asylum seekers. To be clear: With his executive powers, President Biden could stop the cruel actions of Governor Abbott and restore humanitarian practices at the border. It is alarming how quickly the United States continues to teeter towards authoritarianism as the political and personal agendas of a few drive the decisions made for many. If we are to stop this imbalance and protect democracy, humanitarian practices must be restored and upheld. President Biden, we call on you to exercise your executive powers now!”

“In the vibrant tapestry of border communities’ beauty, woven by a resilient sense of intersectional unity, diverse cultures intertwine, and compassionate care knows no borders. Let us reject the deceptive chaos narrative that masks the systemic injustices faced by migrants. With an abolitionist lens, we demand the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to rigorously investigate the illegal arrests in Eagle Pass, Texas, and the inhumane treatment perpetrated by Texas Department of Public Safety state troopers against vulnerable migrants. We call upon the Department of Homeland Security to dismantle collaborations between state and federal authorities, which perpetuate discriminatory practices and misuse taxpayer funds.” Woori Juntos Senior Community Organizer, Sarah Syed said, Instead, let us envision a future where collaboration is rooted in empathy, dismantling the oppressive structures that perpetuate harm. In this collective struggle, we implore our communities to take united action, recognizing that the fight for justice is indivisible. By standing together, we can transform the threads of oppression into a tapestry of compassion, understanding, and liberation. Visit to join the journey toward a world that celebrates the dignity and humanity of all beings.”

Media contact: Rachel Koelzer,, (213) 703-0992

Media contact: Quynh-Huong,, 737-471-5316 


Founded in 1994, the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)’s mission is to organize Korean and Asian Americans to achieve social, economic, and racial justice. The NAKASEC Network is HANA Center (Illinois), Hamkae Center (fka NAKASEC VA) (Virginia), Woori Center (Pennsylvania), MinKwon Center for Community Action (New York & New Jersey) and Woori Juntos (Texas).