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March 18, 2022
For immediate release
Contact: Rachel Koelzer, NAKASEC,

The NAKASEC Network Demands the End of Title 42

On March 11, the CDC formally ended Title 42 for unaccompanied children. The Biden administration announced it would not be expelling minors under Title 42, while keeping the policy otherwise intact. Originally enforced by the Trump administration, the inhumane and racist use of Title 42 denies people their rights to seek protection at the border. It has been continued and expanded by the Biden administration to devastating degrees.

The NAKASEC network organizes Korean and Asian Americans toward racial, social, and economic justice. With affiliates in Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania Virginia, and Texas, the network issued the following statement:

“Title 42 is a racist, inhumane policy that must be completely dismantled immediately,” Hyunja Norman, Executive Director for Woori Juntos in Houston, TX, demanded. “The Biden-Harris administration promised to create a more humane immigration system and has instead continued and expanded policies that deny people dignity, safety, and humanity. Instead of fear-mongering and disregarding people in need, we must welcome and support all who seek refuge here.”

Becky Belcore, Co-Director of NAKASEC, shared, “It has been well-documented that Title 42 has increased danger for people and communities, who are now denied the ability to seek refuge and support. There are many reasons someone may need to migrate, and those root causes – including war, violence, and climate change, must be addressed. Instead of continuing punitive measures that will never create safety, the white supremacy, anti-Blackness, and xenophobia embedded in our country’s policies must be unraveled. The Biden administration must end the use of Title 42, and disavow the continued persecution of Black, brown, and immigrant families.”


The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)’s mission is to organize Korean and Asian Americans to achieve social, economic, and racial justice. The NAKASEC Network is HANA Center (Illinois), Hamkae Center (fka NAKASEC VA) (Virginia), Woori Center (Pennsylvania), MinKwon Center for Community Action (New York) and Woori Juntos (Texas).