즉시 출시
July 30, 2018
CONTACT: Sam Yu | syu@nakasec.org (National)
Jenny Seon | jenny@krcla.org (Los Angeles)
Jinkyung Park | jinkyung@krcla.org (Los Angeles)
Jeonghwa Lee | jeonghwa@hanacenter.org (Chicago)
Do not wait, renew your DACA now!
Federal District Court to Rule Soon
Chicago, IL – The federal district courts will announce their DACA ruling within the next two to three weeks. This means, DACA renewals may stop as soon as the end of August. It is important for those who have DACA that are set to expire in one year to renew immediately. DO NOT WAIT.
If you need assistance, please contact NAKASEC & Affiliates, the Korean Resource Center of Southern California, HANA Center of Greater Chicago, and NAKASEC VA. NAKASEC & Affiliates provide free DACA legal service. We would like to note that you do not need to be near one of our offices to call and receive free legal services.
To receive services from KRC, call directly at 323-937-3718 (ext. 4) or make a service request online at krcla.org. For low-income applicants, KRC provides financial aid to cover the USCIS filing fee of $495.
To receive services from HANA Center, call our Chicago office at 773-583-5501 or our Northwest Illinois office at 847-520-1999.
To receive services from NAKASEC VA, email hsyoo@nakasec.org or call the NAKASEC VA office directly at 703-256-2208.
Please have the following ready before your appointment:
1. Copy of work permit
2. ID card (driver’s license and/or passport)
3. Social Security Card
4. Copy of most recent Approval Notice
5. Two 2×2 color passport-style photos
6. Application filing fee – $495 (call KRC for available financial aid)
나카섹의 사진과 동영상은 페이스북과 트위터(@nakasec)를 팔로우하세요.
1994년에 설립된 전국한인봉사교육컨소시엄(NAKASEC)의 사명은 사회, 경제, 인종적 정의를 실현하기 위해 한인 및 아시아계 미국인을 조직하는 것입니다. NAKASEC은 버지니아주 애난데일, 일리노이주 시카고, 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스에 사무소를 두고 있습니다. 시카고(HANA 센터), 로스앤젤레스와 오렌지 카운티(한인 자원 센터)에도 계열사를 두고 있습니다.