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For Immediate Release:
March 9, 2016
Emily Kessel, NAKASEC, eakessel@nakasec.org
Nayoung Ha, KRCC, nayoung@chicagokrcc.org
Jinkyung Park, KRC, jinkyung@krcla.org

Supreme Court Amicus Briefs Filed: NAKASEC and Affiliates Rally Support with Elected Officials, Immigrant Rights Advocates, and Community Leaders to Have Supreme Court Unfreeze DACA+ and DAPA

WASHINGTON DC — On March 8, the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC), and Korean Resource Center (KRC) joined advocates and community leaders in California, Illinois, Virginia, and across the nation in signing onto the amicus briefs filed in U.S. v. Texas and urging partners to secure additional signatories for the briefs. This Supreme Court case will affect the lives of millions of undocumented immigrants and American families waiting for the implementation of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, namely the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA+) programs. In advance of the April 18th oral arguments, impacted community members and advocates, business and faith leaders, elected officials, and educators organize around a series of briefs demonstrating the strong support for the DAPA and DACA+ programs.

In a show of solidarity, brief signatories and supporters of DACA+/DAPA noted the positive impact that these programs will have on our country and the ways in which the implementation of the programs will improve the lives of millions of immigrants who are already living in the U.S. and contributing to our economy and to our communities. An estimated 48,600 or 27% of the undocumented Korean American population alone would be directly impacted.

NAKASEC Executive Director Dae Joong Yoon, KRCC Executive Director Inhe Choi, and KRC Los Angeles Director Joon Bang, shared the following statement: “The President’s executive actions would allow millions of hardworking parents and students who are relying on these programs to come out of the shadows and live without fear of family separation. The bottomline is that families are DAPA and DACA+ are fully supported by law. The broad support demonstrated in these amicus briefs attests that these programs will positively impact our country and our communities. We are so proud of young leaders in our community who tirelessly come out in support of DACA and now for DACA+ and DAPA. They are living examples of why we need to work together to protect all hardworking immigrant families.”

Daehee Cho, expanded DACA eligible community member from Chicago, Illinois said: “I came to the U.S. when I was 14 years old from South Korea to live with my aunt and her family and later moved out to live on my own. I tried to open my bank account, pay bills, and open a cell phone account, but could not because I did not have a social security number. It was only then that I found out I was undocumented. I had big dreams for myself, but was unable to pursue them because of my status. DACA expansion would allow me to freely dream about my future in the U.S. and visit Korea to see my family and also be able to come back home. It would benefit not only me, but hundreds of thousands of people like me, who are unhappy and living in fear of being separated from their loved ones.”

Bati Tsogtsaikhan, DACA recipient and impacted by DAPA community member from Arlington, Virginia, said: “I moved to the U.S. with my parents from Mongolia at the age of 10, graduated high school, received my associate’s degree in business administration from NVCC, and recently completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Finance at George Mason University. Back in February 2015, I was invited to share my story with President Obama and how DACA had opened doors for me to education. I want DAPA to do for my family what DACA did for me. I want my parents to have an opportunity to find fair paying jobs to better support my younger brother and not live in fear of being separated from my brother and me.”

DK, a community member eligible for expanded DACA and impacted by DAPA from Los Angeles, California, said: “I am currently an undocumented UCLA graduate. Several immigrant families such as mine live in the U.S. and are afraid they might be separated from their loved ones due to their status. Programs such as DAPA and DACA can provide relief. They can help us stay together and not be separated. Many young adult immigrants such as myself would like to live and study in the U.S. to obtain better lives. Our lives, however, cannot be better without our parents. I cannot imagine a life without my mom and dad. I need them to protect me and help me grow as I continue my studies. DAPA and DACA expansion can help my family work under safer working conditions, pay taxes, and help those around us without the fear of being deported.”

For more information about United States v. Texas please visit www.FightForFamilies.org

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