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For immediate release
April 3, 2009

Contact: EunSook Lee, NAKASEC, 323-937-3703
Becky Belcore, KRCC, 773-588-9158
Dae Joong Yoon, KRC, 323-937-3718

NAKASEC Statement on the Nomination of Dr. Robert Groves as Census Director

(Los Angeles, CA)  The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and its affiliates – the Korean American Resource & Cultural Center (KRCC) in Chicago and the Korean Resource Center (KRC) in Los Angeles – express their firm and unqualified support for the nomination of Dr. Robert M. Groves as Director of the Census Bureau.

“As director of the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, and associate director of the Census Bureau from 1990 – 1992, Dr. Groves has the knowledge  and experience to guide the 2010 Census campaign to great success,” said Becky Belcore, executive director of KRCC.

The Korean American community has seen tremendous growth since the last Census; since 2000, the community has grown 20% to 1,344,171 according to the 2007 American Community Survey. Over half of the foreign-born in the Korean American community arrived after 1990 and 57% of adult Korean Americans are limited English proficient.

“As a largely immigrant community, Korean Americans face barriers to accessing information regarding the Census. And in-language community outreach is fundamental to having every Korean American is counted. Community education paired with methods like statistical sampling is key in making an accurate count and ensuring that minority communities are not undercounted,” said EunSook Lee, executive director of NAKASEC.

“Dr. Groves has shown a dedication to the counting of communities traditionally overlooked by the Census, including the Asian American and Pacific Islander and Korean American communities, and brings an expertise in survey methodology and statistics that will be critical in ensuring that all residents of the United States are counted,” said Dae Joong Yoon, executive director of KRC.

Founded in 1994, NAKASEC is a multi-issue civil and human rights organization that is based within the Korean American community. We promote equitable changes to the political and legislative systems through a combination of education and policy advocacy with grassroots organizing and community mobilization.


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