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For Immediate Release
February 1, 2016
Contact: Emily Kessel, eakessel@nakasec.org

NAKASEC Launches Community Listening Sessions Campaign and Announces Korean Naturalization and Voting Materials with KAWM and iAmerica


Annandale, Virginia — Today, the President of Korean American Women’s Society (한인여성회) Marianne Brackney (최향남) and Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ Political Coordinator Kevin Hills representing iAmerica joined National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) in the call to promote citizenship and immigrant empowerment in Virginia and across the country, as well as announce the release of an in-language naturalization workbook and voting materials for the Korean community and the launch of NAKASEC’s “Answer Me President” Community Listening Sessions campaign. The iAmerica Citizenship Workshop and voting materials for Fairfax County are available in hardcopy and will soon be available online.

Through the listening sessions, NAKASEC aims to provide a venue for Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community members to share which issues are important to their families and communities and have an opportunity to have their questions be asked to presidential candidates through an AAPI questionnaire. The listening sessions will also be paired with educational events and workshops on areas including naturalization, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) programs, Get Out the Vote (GOTV) work in 2016 and beyond.

NAKASEC’s affiliates, the Korean Resource Center (KRC) in Los Angeles and Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC) in Chicago, are also holding events regarding this ongoing naturalization and civic engagement work, including announcing the availability of the iAmerica Citizenship Workshop.

Dong Yoon Kim, Program Director at NAKASEC, said: “More than ever, we remain committed to lifting up the Korean American and Asian American voice in the elections and through igniting power for all community members whether they are applying for DACA, waiting for DACA expansion or DAPA, eligible to naturalize, or vote. We look forward to working with civic leaders, students, churches, and community members in Virginia and the broader DMV area and we encourage community members to join us at a listening session and/or workshop or clinic. This is how we make our voices heard and our community stronger!”

“We are so pleased to partner with NAKASEC’s efforts to promote citizenship as part of the White House Citizenship Awareness Campaign,” said Marianne Brackney, President of the KAWS, “It is estimated that approximately 200,000 Koreans are eligible to become a US Citizen and we plan to engage in outreach activities to inform them all of the rights, benefits, and responsibilities that come with being a full American citizen.”

The first community listening session with a naturalization-related event is scheduled to take place in northern Virginia on February 27. For more details on this event and additional listening sessions and events, please contact NAKASEC at 703-256-2208 or e-mail dkim@nakasec.org

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