December 13, 2017
Contact: Sam Yu,
AAPI Mother Speaks at Press Conference as Parent of DACA-mented Child
Washington D.C. – On December 13, 2017, Hee Kim, a community leader with Korean Resource Center (KRC), spoke at a press conference organized by United We Dream about her experiences as a parent of a DACAmented child and the need to pass a clean DREAM Act before the end of the year.
“It breaks my heart that this administration has so callously betrayed our eight hundred thousand young immigrants who have grown up here, attended school here, and made lives for themselves here. Are we a better country when we turn our backs on our immigrant youth?!” questioned Hee Kim to the audience. Full video here:
(Pictured: Hee Kim speaking at the press conference)
Impacted Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) youth and allies also met with Senator Richard Durbin (IL), who first introduced the DREAM Act, and staff with Senators Chuck Schumer (NY) and Dianne Feinstein (CA). The central ask during these visits was to urge members of Congress to attach a clean DREAM Act – one that does not make changes to the current family immigration system or to the diversity visas program – to the next continuing resolution or government spending bill and swift passage before the holidays.
(Pictured: Jungbin Cho, one of our directly impacted young people, thanking Senator Durbin for his work on the DREAM Act)
NAKASEC and affiliates will conduct activities in Washington DC until a clean DREAM Act is passed. Next week on December 19, NAKASEC, HANA Center, and the Korean Resource Center will organize a day of action for educators and students to underscore the urgency of passing the clean DREAM Act. More information can be found on the Facebook event page.
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1994년에 설립된 전국한인봉사교육컨소시엄(NAKASEC)의 사명은 사회, 경제, 인종적 정의를 실현하기 위해 한인 및 아시아계 미국인을 조직하는 것입니다. NAKASEC은 버지니아주 애난데일, 일리노이주 시카고, 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스에 사무소를 두고 있습니다. 시카고(HANA 센터), 로스앤젤레스와 오렌지 카운티(한인 자원 센터)에도 계열사를 두고 있습니다.