December 14, 2017
Contact: Sam Yu,
AAPI Undocumented Organizer, Maro Park, Shares His Story on Facebook Live with Senator Cortez Masto
Washington D.C. – As Members of Congress continue their deliberations, impacted Korean and Asian American youth and allies continue their organizing and advocacy to provide a daily reminder that their lives are not bargaining chips.
Today, Maro Park, Immigrant Rights Project Fellow with the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), participated in a Facebook live interview with Senator Cortez Masto (NV) where he spoke on his experience as an undocumented young person in the United States. Watch the Facebook live link here (6:30 mark for interview with Maro Park).
Park honed in on his expired license as a reminder of his struggles as an undocumented individual. He mentioned how to get around and work in America, one needs to have a vehicle but because he is undocumented, each drive is a risk. “Something as simple as a broken tail light could deport me and separate me from my family,” explained Park as he highlighted how something so ordinary to most is life or death for him and other undocumented youth. “When the DREAM Act finally passes, I can be a part of society that helps America grow and be affluent,” stated Park as he spoke on the important contributions that immigrant youth make to the country.
(Pictured: Maro Park sharing his story with Senator Cortez Masto)
Senator Cortez Masto affirmed Park’s point on contributions. “We know that if we’re going to deport 800,000 DREAMers, it’s going to have a negative impact on our economy… [DREAMers] are paying taxes, working hard, they’re a part of our growing economy… So, these are the stories, the real stories of people who are contributing and why we need to fight to keep them here,” asserted Senator Cortez Masto.
Following the press conference, community organizers with NAKSEC and affiliates conducted more targeted legislative visits urging Representatives and Senators to pass the clean DREAM Act by December 22 without compromising the family immigration system and the diversity visa program.
(Pictured: Our community organizers with Senator Durbin’s staffer following a meeting)
NAKASEC and affiliates will continue organizing and advocacy in Washington D.C. and in local communities until a clean DREAM Act is passed. Tomorrow, NAKASEC and affiliates will be meeting with Senator Mark Warner (VA) to deliver petitions supporting of a clean DREAM Act before the end of the year.
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1994년에 설립된 전국한인봉사교육컨소시엄(NAKASEC)의 사명은 사회, 경제, 인종적 정의를 실현하기 위해 한인 및 아시아계 미국인을 조직하는 것입니다. NAKASEC은 버지니아주 애난데일, 일리노이주 시카고, 캘리포니아주 로스앤젤레스에 사무소를 두고 있습니다. 시카고(HANA 센터), 로스앤젤레스와 오렌지 카운티(한인 자원 센터)에도 계열사를 두고 있습니다.