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April 6, 2015
Contact: Emily Kessel,

Attorney General Herring and More Than 150 Civil, Labor, and Immigrants’ Rights Groups Join Amicus Briefs in Support of President’s Immigration Actions

Briefs Filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Asks Court to Lift Block on Expanded DACA and DAPA

ANNANDALE, VIRGINIA – Today, the National Korean Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO) came together to announce that Virginia’s Attorney General Mark Herring has joined the amicus brief efforts to support President Obama’s immigration actions. In the filing of amicus (“friend of the court”) briefs today, civil and immigrants’ rights groups have charged that these immigration actions would allow millions of immigrants to apply for relief from deportation and work authorization and would improve the nation’s economy and society. NAKASEC and its affiliates also joined a brief with more than 150 civil, labor, and immigrants’ rights groups. These briefs are two of several in support of the Obama administration’s immigration actions, which economists predict will raise the nation’s gross domestic product, or GDP, by more than $200 billion over the next ten years.

Mark Herring, Attorney General of Virginia, shared: “Immigration has been a source of economic, cultural, and social benefit for the Commonwealth for more than 400 years,” said Attorney General Herring. “While we’re waiting on Congress to enact long overdue comprehensive immigration reform, the President has offered lawful, reasonable steps that will boost our economy, keep families intact, and promote public safety by removing criminals and increasing trust between law enforcement and communities. In Virginia, deferred action for young people has enabled us to offer an affordable college education to the children of immigrants who, in many cases, know no home but Virginia. These reforms would offer additional benefits to our Commonwealth, and they should be allowed to move forward.”

Dae Joong Yoon, Executive Director of NAKASEC said: “We welcome Attorney General Mark Herring’s stance and announcement in support of the President’s executive actions on DACA and DAPA, which would allow students in Virginia to have access to affordable higher education and immigrant parents to continue to contribute to Virginia but with a legal right to work that would allow for fair treatment. According to the Center for American Progress, if DACA and DAPA are implemented, the U.S. GDP would increase by $230 billion and 28,814 jobs would be created in the next ten years. DACA and DAPA are good for America and Virginia.”

Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, President of VACOLAO, said: “As the chief law enforcement officer serving a southern state, Virginia’s Attorney General Mark Herring’s decision to join with other attorneys general in the filing of the amicus brief in support of the President’s DAPA and DACA programs demonstrates broad consensus that the programs are not only legal but will also benefit their respective states by helping millions of families come out of the shadows and contribute to their local communities and economies. Attorney General Herring’s actions demonstrate a commitment to support justice, equality and opportunity for all of Virginia’s residents including the most vulnerable who just want a chance to build their lives in the country they consider their home.”

On February 16, a federal district court blocked the implementation of the expansion of an initiative that would have allowed certain immigrants who arrived in this country as children to apply for deportation relief and work authorization (known as an expansion of DACA). The court also blocked implementation of an initiative that would have allowed certain immigrant parents of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents to apply for deportation relief and work authorization (known as DAPA.)

Groups argue that delays in implementation harm the nation’s economy and prevent aspiring Americans from participating more fully in their communities. The brief features profiles of small business owners, primary breadwinners, and social activists who would be able to increase their economic and societal contributions if granted the relief proposed by DACA and DAPA.

For Korean American and Asian American community members in support of DACA and DAPA, please sign on to the following petition letter:

Today’s filings are the latest legal step in Texas et al. v. United States et al., the 26-state challenge to the administration’s immigration actions. On April 17, the Fifth Circuit will hear oral arguments in a request for emergency stay of the lower court injunction. If granted, the emergency stay would allow the U.S. government to begin implementation of the DAPA and DACA initiatives.


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El National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) fue fundado en 1994 por centros comunitarios locales para proyectar una voz progresista y promover la plena participación de los coreanoamericanos en las principales cuestiones de justicia social. NAKASEC tiene oficinas en Annandale (Virginia) y Los Ángeles (California). NAKASEC tiene filiales en Chicago (Korean American Resource & Cultural Center) y Los Ángeles y el condado de Orange (Korean Resource Center).