For Immediate Release
March 15 2013
Comunicado de prensa
Contact: Son Ah Yun, NAKASEC | | 202-299-9540
NAKASEC Denounces Attacks on Families
The National Korean American Service and Education Consortium, (NAKASEC), demand that any Comprehensive Immigration Reform must put families first.
Yesterday, media reports have said that some Senators that are part of the bipartisan group of 8 senators in charge of drafting immigration reform are considering plans to make it harder for Americans to get visas for their family members while easing the path for high-skilled foreign workers.
As of November 2012, almost 4.3 million family members are waiting in the family visa backlogs. 1.8 million are from Asian countries, many who have been waiting more than two decades. The Korean community alone has tens and thousands of families that are kept apart and waiting to be reunited. We cannot continue allowing families to be separated from their loved ones.
“Families are not defined just by the mother, father, and child but through extended family members and relatives who help strengthen and provide for the family. Whether it is support for building the small businesses that provide jobs for our communities or taking care of our children and elderly, these members of our family and communities are what define America and our country’s moral values. Any comprehensive immigration reform legislation must put families first. ” said Son Ah Yun, Executive Director of NAKASEC.
We urge President Obama and Members of Congress to protect and strengthen the family-based immigration system.
“NAKASEC will continue to fight for reuniting families in order to keep our communities strong.” Said Son Ah Yun
The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) was founded in 1994 by local community centers to project a national progressive voice and promote the full participation of Korean Americans as a part of a greater goal of building a national movement for social change. NAKASEC is based D.C. and Los Angeles. NAKASEC also has affiliates in Chicago (Korean American Resource & Cultural Center) and Los Angeles (Korean Resource Center).