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For Immediate Release
October 8, 2015
Contact: Emily Kessel,

NAKASEC Calls on Virginia Asian American and Immigrant Community to Register to Vote

Annandale, Virginia— The National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) calls on all eligible Korean American, Asian American, and immigrant community members to register to vote by the voter registration deadline on Wednesday, October 13. From now through October 13, NAKASEC, community supporters, and youth volunteers will be setting up tables at churches and markets to register community members in northern Virginia to vote in the State General Elections on November 3. NAKASEC and its affiliates, the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center and the Korean Resource Center, launched its voter registration work on September 22 for National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) with the goal of registering 100 new voters in Virginia by October 13. St. Paul Chung Korean Catholic Church and the college fair at All Nations Church will be two of the many locations for voter registration.

Dong Yoon Kim, Program Associate at NAKASEC, said: “With less than one week to register community members to vote in this year’s election, NAKASEC will be holding daily voter registration drives throughout northern Virginia, including Annandale, Eden Center, Falls Church, and Centerville, targeting the Korean American, Vietnamese American, and Chinese American communities. We are proud of our youth who are leading this final push to ensure that our Asian American voice matters in Virginia as well as nationally in the 2016 election. Once again, we ask all eligible voters in Virginia to register by October 13.”

To register to vote online, please visit: and for voter registration forms for Fairfax County in Korean please visit the Fairfax County website.

For additional questions or to volunteer for civic engagement activities, please call NAKASEC’s office at 703-256-2208 or email


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