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For Immediate Release
January 13, 2015
Contacts: Dong Yoon Kim,

NAKASEC, Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations, and Dreamers of Virginia Ask Community Members to Join Immigrant Advocacy Day

Annandale, VA- On January 20, 2015, Immigrant Advocacy Day, NAKASEC will join hundreds of Virginia community members to stand with immigrant students and families. Residents, immigrant families, and community leaders will visit the Virginia Assembly House Delegates and Senators in Richmond, Virginia, urging them to support immigrant students and families.

It is expected that Virginia Delegates will introduce anti-immigrant legislation in January that will undo Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring’s decision to allow Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients to qualify for in-state tuition at all Virginia public colleges and universities. Announced on April 29, 2014, Attorney General Herring’s decision opened many doors for young people in Virginia to pursue their education without leaving home and without great financial burden.

In response to the possible introduction of anti-immigrant legislation, NAKASEC asks all community members to urge their Virginia Assembly Delegate and Senator to protect in-state tuition for immigrant students by visiting or calling their elected officials, sending an email or letter, or engaging with them on social media.

“On January 14, 2015, the Virginia Assembly will start their 2015 legislative session. One of the bills that they plan to introduce will take away in-state tuition from immigrant students. These are students who study and work hard for their families in Virginia. We ask the Korean American and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities to stand with immigrant students by contacting their Delegates and Senators directly, demanding them to protect in-state tuition for immigrant students and families. We ask our communities to join us in Richmond on January 20 to make immigrant students and families’ voices heard,” said Dong Yoon Kim, Program Associate of NAKASEC.

To join us in Richmond, Virginia on January 20, please call the NAKASEC office at 703-256-2208. To stay involved, email us at

For photos, please click here.

To view a list of legislative priorities from VACOLAO, please click here.


El National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) fue fundado en 1994 por centros comunitarios locales para proyectar una voz progresista y promover la plena participación de los coreanoamericanos en las principales cuestiones de justicia social. NAKASEC tiene oficinas en Annandale (Virginia) y Los Ángeles (California). NAKASEC tiene filiales en Chicago (Korean American Resource & Cultural Center) y Los Ángeles y el condado de Orange (Korean Resource Center).