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Community Spotlight: Meet Miho Moon!

By September 22, 2016November 23rd, 2016No Comments

miho_communityspotlightI’m from Tokyo, Japan.  I came to the United States seven years ago.  I’m a senior at college now.

How did you get involved with NAKASEC?
My friend, SaeHee Chun, who works at NAKASEC as a campaign coordinator introduced me to it.  One of the highlights of my experience at NAKASEC so far is that I attended the National AAPI DACA Video Tour at the National Education Association in DC in April.  Before the film screening, I didn’t know much about the problems that undocumented people face, and I wasn’t even familiar with DACA and DAPA.  The two films that I watched on that day certainly deepened my understanding of DACA and DAPA and changed my view of the situations that undocumented people are facing.

How would you describe your community?
I would say my community involves a diversity of nationalities, cultures, religious and ethnic backgrounds, which brings new ideas, views, and perspectives.  I appreciate my community because it is always interesting to see people with different opinions, reliefs, life experience, customs, etc. and compare them with my own lifestyle.

What do you think is the civil issue of the day?
I believe that more people should be aware of the importance of voting.  Ever since I started working at NAKASEC, I have come to realize how influential it is to express your opinion and ideas with your voice because they can change the direction of a community and nation.  I think people need to know that voting is the right that every citizen owns in order to register your opinion on how you think the government should operate and work.

What has been the highlight of your summer?
The highlight of my summer was joining the Adoptee Citizenship Act Day of Action in June.  It was an amazing opportunity to meet community members from across the country and to discuss the issues with representatives to receive support for the bill.